Preface & Background

I teach in a Kindergarten classroom in NC.  My school has a very diverse population with over 30 different languages represented.  It is important for my students to learn, respect, and interact with other cultures.  We incorporate global awareness into our lessons and try to expose the children to the world at a young age.  

This unit is created in a graduate school masters level program to help increase the knowledge for teachers to implement global lessons into their classrooms.

Students will be engaging in discussion among their peers, asking questions, recalling information, and locating countries on a globe.  They will be able to create artifacts representing each country and celebration we study and share with their families later.  Students will be using their knowledge gained to write about one celebration at the end of the unit.  They will be comparing and contrasting 2 celebrations as well.  

After studying this unit, students should have a better understanding of the world around them.  They will be more familiar with the globe and that people are different.  They will learn to celebrate the differences between people.       


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