PBI Plan

                                                                                                     Photo Credit: NC State NLGL Program

Phase 1: (Approx. 30 minutes first day) Students will be asked the compelling question: How do people in other countries celebrate holidays?  We will discuss as a whole group and list any prior knowledge ideas on chart paper.  Each table (4 tables) will be coming up with one additional question that they may have about the compelling question.  Teacher will need to give some support in examples of a question they could ask (Example: What do people in China celebrate?).

Phase 2: (Approx. 7 days/ 30-45 minutes to complete) Students will be listening and observing books and videos from other countries and the celebrations throughout the 2 week unit.  They will be engaging in discussions and answering questions.

Phase 3: (Approx. 7 days/ 30-45 minutes to complete depending on activity) Students will be creating special activities to represent each of the 7 celebrations. 

Phase 4: (2 different days/ 30 minutes each) For Kindergarten this step is more simplified.  The students will be evaluating their knowledge by creating a writing piece about one of the celebrations we studied.  They will also be creating a venn diagram (with some assistance) comparing the 2 celebrations similaritites and differences.   

Phase 5: (1 day/45 minutes for writing & sharing) Students will have 7 different pages to represent each celebration that will be put into a book.  There will be a information page with a short explanation about each celebration in the front of the book.  They will be sharing this finished product with their families.  Students will also be creating a writing piece that they will share with a peer.   

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